【同义词辨析】 2019-12-20 委托commit-entrust

commit: may express the general idea of delivering into another's charge: ~ his child to the sitter; or the special sense of transferring to a superior power or to a place of custody: ~ted the person to prison.  charge掌管照看means the responsibility of managing or watching over something指管理照看的职责,如he wanted to take charge of the company他希望掌管该公司,如he has charge of the building他看管那栋楼)  (custody 1、离婚后对孩子的监护权the right to keep and look after a child after divorce,如the divorce court awarded custody to the child's mother离婚法庭把监护权判给了孩子的母亲 2、监禁拘留to be kept in a prison,如the youngster got nine months' custody这个年轻人被处以9个月监禁,如after the riot, 32 people were taken into police custody暴乱后有32人被警方拘留) sitter=babysitter临时保姆

entrust: implies committing with trust and confidence: the president is ~ed with broad powers.  《不忘初心》: "生生不息只为了那一份托付",表示委托交付时的信任信心

confide: implies entrusting with assurance and reliance: ~d all power over my financial affairs to his attorney.  

consign: suggests a transferring that removes something from one's immediate control: ~ed my paintings to a gallery for sale.  (如I consigned him to oblivion我已彻底忘记他,如I consigned her letter to the waste basket我把她的信丢进了废纸篓,如a car accident consigned him to a wheelchair for the rest of his life一场车祸使他落得在轮椅上度过余生)

relegate: implies a consigning to a particular class, position, or sphere, often with a suggestion of getting rid of: ~ed to an obscure position in the company.

commit委托提交送进: 泛指交付他人管理照看;或提交法庭等权力机构,或送进医院监狱等监护拘留机构,entrust托付: 表示委托交付时的信任信心,confide托付吐露: 指,consign托售打发发落: 表示因为不想要给别人处置,如代售代存,relegate降级贬职: 指放到次要位置,有排除的意思

记忆方法: 1)首字母CECCR想成RE再次和CCC中国强制认证<==委托     ""本意是"用手掌承着东西",如两手着下巴,引申出托盘,衬托,烘托,托售,托儿所,托人,请托等。  ""是会意字,从禾从女,本意是"矮小的庄稼",用禾表示庄稼用女表示矮小,在"委托"一词中,""是委托者自谦,自比身材矮小的弱者,从而把被委托方的地位抬高,委任委派委员等词中的委字意思相同,都表示自谦

         2)委托的意思是交付他人保管mean to assign to a person or place especially for safekeeping.   安全照看,妥善保管